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Project roles

Within an organization, projects are created as spaces for users to organize their own Machine Learning projects. In a project, users can take on different project-level roles, which will determine their access to certain platform functionality and information:

Permission Project Owner Project Editor Project Viewer
Add and remove users YES NO NO
Manage users' project role YES NO NO
Delete project YES NO NO
Create and manage:
  • Datasets
  • Recipes for data-wrangling
  • Application for training and deploying machine learning models

Setting project roles for individual users

Only the project owner has the rights to add users to be part of the project. During this step, the project owner will be prompted to select the desired project role for the newly added user.

After a user has been added to the project, the project owner is still able to change the user’s project role:

  1. In the project page, select the users tab.
  2. To the right of the user’s row, select the pencil icon.
  3. In the newly-opened dialog window, select the desired project role under the “Choose Role” drop-down.
    1. Do note that if the user is assigned as the project owner, the user will be granted access to manage the users' membership to the project, their project role, as well as delete the entire project..

Note: Project owners can invite an existing AI & Analytics Engine user, who is not part of the organization, to a project with a project-level role. The user will show up in the Organization’s user list as an External User.